Burglar Free Zone Blog

The 5 Most Effective Pets at Guarding Property

Dogs are not the only animals used for security. People use geese, swans, guinea fowl and even llamas to protect…

8 years ago

Garden Plants that Really Do Deter Burglars

It's true; plants prevent burglars from breaking in to your home. Here we look at 10 plants that will help…

8 years ago

Are Dogs a Real Deterrent to Burglars?

Do dogs deter burglars? Yes they do, but not all dogs and not all burglars. There are certain protective dog…

8 years ago

What Are Your Chances of Being Burgled

What is the likelihood of having your home burgled? Do you really know how to best protect your loved ones…

8 years ago

Neighborhood Watch (NW) Programs

Neighborhood Watch schemes bring communities together and help to build stronger, safer neighborhoods for local residents.

8 years ago

Coping with the Aftermath of a Break-In

The aftermath of a home break-in can be distressful and traumatic. There are things you can do that will help…

8 years ago

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