Door Security

Welcome to our section on doors, locks and bolts. There are all kinds of doors that need securing other than the obvious front and back doors of a home. Some of us have side doors too, and garage doors and doors inside the garage that enter into the main house. There is also shed door security, patio doors and garden gates that lead into back yards. If it’s a door it opens to somewhere, and you don’t want strangers entering into those spaces.

What to Expect

In our door section we don’t only look at doors and door security, but also the frames that support them, along with the locks, bolts screws and hinges. For doors to be as secure as they can be, it’s important to tick all the security boxes. Many of you are going to fall short, and the weakness of some of your doors is going to surprise you. The good news is that it doesn’t take much to reinforce an existing door or swap it for something stronger, but you can only do that when you’re in the know. Once you have read through some of our informative articles and watched a few of the videos, you will be “in the know.”

There’s quite a bit of door jargon but it won’t take long to become familiar with it all. Here’s a brief look at the kind of things you will get to read about in this section:

  • Door bars
  • Door chains
  • Door closers
  • Door cylinders
  • Door intercoms
  • Door viewers
  • Electrical door openers
  • Escutcheon plates
  • Mortise locks
  • Rim locks
  • Strike plates

Summing Up

If it relates to door security, we’ll have a piece on it. If you have any ideas of items to cover that we may have missed out on, please contact us. We’d love to hear your suggestions and we’ll include it/them if we deem the topic(s) appropriate.